
Category: Web

Points: 100


Go here:


I enter the site it gives and find this infomation:

Anyone who has visited our site is the 1234567890th Special prizes are awarded.
Welcome, It seems that you are visiting our website first time :)
Sorry, visit our again later :(

Refresh the page then it says:

Anyone who has visited our site is the 1234567890th Special prizes are awarded.
You have visited us already
You are the 1282 visitor
Don't hack cookies, we are alive :)

Of course I will mesh around with the cookies.
I find that there’s a cookie named “Visitor” and its value is:


Base64 decode it and I get:


We can see that MD5(“1282″)=”1cecc7a77928ca8133fa24680a88d2f9”.

So I construct the cookie value as Base64.encode(“1234567890:”+MD5(“1234567890”)), which value is:


Then refresh the page and get the flag.

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